Monday, November 17, 2008


LK has been busy since the last update.  He’s really starting to develop a personality which of course is a pleasure all in itself.  When I (dad) comes home from work, he knows my face and voice so he gives me a big smile when I walk in the room.  I love it! 

We’ve been feeding him baby food of course, and so far his favorites are carrots, squash, prunes (yuck!), and some others that I can’t remember…but those are the big ones.



My favorite thing to do is to open my mouth, wait till mom or dad puts the spoon close….and then look away real quick so the food hits my face!


Teething is pretty much over for the most part…and here are the fruits of my LK’s labor…



Well I know this is a short post but today has been crazy busy at work and I’m tired of typing on a computer!!!  I will update some more with some great pictures in the next few days hopefully!  Stay tuned.



Monday, November 3, 2008

First Halloween

LK’s first Halloween was pretty uneventful, but it was still fun.  We only had 10 trick-or-treaters….10….what the heck??  Maybe the kids went to the neighborhoods with the bigger houses in hopes of getting full size candy bars.  Who knows?  Anyway, we didn’t dress LK up too much because well, it’s just not worth it for one picture.  Maybe next year we’ll get him a good costume. 

That being said, we still got him SOMETHING…

PA240404 This is my scary face!


I want candy!!!

So yeah, not too much of a costume, but it’s still something.  Next year will be different :-).  Happy Halloween everyone!