LK has started gurgling and babbling with his smiles. He has this very loud squeal that makes us laugh every time - he is the best bubble blower I've ever seen. LK is almost laughing, he has a few times, but it's not everyday - so we love the times that he does. It is so much fun to talk to him and of course Mommy translates all his sounds into real words. He has said "green," "how," "burger" and "big boy." He is really good saying "I'm good" - he says this one a lot! Daddy has not heard him say the following yet, but I am sure he will hear it soon enough "Mommy is always right!" I didn't know 4 month olds could talk in complete sentences!
LK is already working on his sign language
"I Love You!"
Here he is hatching his evil plans
to take over the world.
Then there is the ole' silent treatment.
Shouting at those crazy people what
to bid on the Price is Right!
"Milk - it does a body good!"