Tuesday, April 22, 2008

One month old today!

Even though LK is with mom at grandma's, there's still reason to celebrate...LK is one month old today!  I know everyone has told me that "they grow up so fast", and I've always just said "yeah yeah, I know".  But now that I see it, it's like...where has this month gone?  I feel like I just left the hospital and we are still trying to figure out how to get him to go to sleep!  Well, I guess we'll always being trying to figure that one out!  Ha! 

I saw another father today in a restaurant and he was carrying his son who was probably 1-2 years old.  I'm not saying I want LK to grow up faster, but that age is what I really look forward to.  I guess that's natural for all dad's because that's the age that they first start reacting to things.  Don't get me wrong, it's amazing to watch LK and just kinda stare at him, but I can't wait until he cracks his first smile...for reasons other than pooping....just needed to clarify that. 

Anyway, in honor of his one month um, celebration I guess, here's a picture that I took with my camera phone while I was at grandma's over the weekend. 


This is either his first "stop taking my picture!" pose, or he's doing his best impression of an elephant (you know, with the trunk and all).  I was holding him, and his arm was just kind of stuck in this position.  :-)  I couldn't stop laughing!

Monday, April 21, 2008

The house is a little empty...

So mom and LK are at grandma's house for the next week or so.  Mom needed some time to fully adjust to the whole newborn baby thing (understandably so) and grandma is just the ticket!  Meanwhile, back at the hall of Justice, I'm holding down the fort as best I can.  Although I'm starting to see clothes/dishes/and other items find their way to the floor/kitchen/etc.  Maybe that's the bachelor life for you, though I'm thinking it's just because work is really starting to wear on me.  Hopefully after my big project is done, I'll be able to get back to a normal life...although LK and mom will be home by then...so I guess "normal" isn't necessarily a good way to put it.  Maybe, "less active"...no wait, that won't do it either.  Um, "less stressful"??  Nope.  I guess I'll just settle with "just as stressful, busy, and hectic, only much more fun now that mom and LK are home!". 

This week has been nice, but more bittersweet than anything.  It's nice that I've been able to get a full nights' sleep for a change, and that I can focus on work a lot more.  Of course that's one of the reasons that LK and mom are at grandma's.  Anyway, I can't help but feel weird coming home and not having anything to do.  I mean I could always mow the grass (which it needs really badly) or clean the house (again, which it needs really badly) but it's just kinda empty here without my wife and son.  Empty and extremely quiet.  Don't get me wrong, the quiet time is nice and I know all the parents reading this are saying "treasure these moments as if they were your last!!" but I definitely miss the voices of my wife and son. 

Again, I will just sum up my feelings here with one word: bittersweet. 

I will leave with one note though on one thing I've been doing with my free time, and that's watching movies.  I watched:

-the Skeleton Key (cool movie...creepy thriller type movie, but not a horror film)

-Ultimate Avengers (nerdy super hero cartoon movie...HULK SMASH!)

-Tombstone (for the 234234235521th time)

It's been fun being a bachelor for a little while, but I'm so ready for mom and LK to come home!  Well, it's super late (10 p.m.!!!...I'm officially an old man for being sleepy at this time) and I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow.  Dad signing off...

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

3 Weeks old

Today, LK is 3 weeks old...and what a 3 weeks it's been! To say that having a baby is an adventure is the understatement of the year. It has totally changed our lives...and other than the lack of sleep and an overall overwhelming feeling, it's changed our lives for the better.  

I know that every parent has their story about what their child does that's "so hilarious", and while I don't necessarily have a story per se because he's still very young, I do have some funny moments.  One of things that LK does after being fed, is that I guess to show his contentment with his milk, he gets this squished up look on his face and closes his eyes and goes into a sort of a Thanksgiving Day Coma.  However, the big difference is that he makes this sound that I can only describe as a machine gun grunt.  It's kinda like he's clearing his throat or something.  Anyway, it always brings a smile to my face even at 3 a.m.! 

Well right now LK has a serious case of the hiccups, and while I can't do anything about them, I can't help but feel sorry for the guy.  He needs to learn to hold his breath for 20 seconds like me and that will get rid of those hiccups in no time at all!  :-)

I took some more pictures tonight because I know that's what everyone wants to see anyway.  Shut up Dad and just show the pictures!  Yeah yeah, I hear ya....


This is LK's "hey thanks for putting me down, now I'm uncomfortable and I'm going to start crying" face.  We see this often.


Grandma to the rescue!  Nothing like Grandma's arms to cure the endless hiccups. 

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Welcome to our blog!

This is our "new" blog since the one I set up previously was apparently too complicated for some, but I won't name any names :-) Anyway, we will be posting pictures, stories, and eventually videos here.

Since this is a public blog, I'm going to try to come up with nicknames and stuff for myself, mom, and our son. I'm thinking of doing stuff in third person like referring to me as just "Dad", my wife as "Mom", and our son as one of the following:

  • Little Kicker
  • Kicker
  • LK

I'm not sure, so maybe I'll let people comment and vote? Or maybe no one cares and just wants mom or myself to pick one and not worry about it?

So this blog isn't much right now, but when mom or I get a chance (ha!) we'll post pictures. But as for a status update for us right now, things are great, but just a little overwhelming at times. I think we take turns being the "strong one" of the family when LK is fussy or whatever. Usually mom is the stronger one in the middle of the night because I'm always a zombie and easily shaken up between 1-5 a.m. We are managing though, and even during stressful times, just hearing LK burp really loud or something makes us both laugh and of course makes it all worth it. We are truly blessed to have this child in our lives, and we can't wait to share more with our family and friends. For now, here are some pics for those that haven't seen them already...Stay tuned!!
